The Hawaiian Kingdom builds on what the Hawaiian Kingdom stood for over 130 years ago but uses a new type of decentralized digital technology which will allow Members, Residents, Citizens, and Nationals to register their assets in the Hawaiian Nation and enabled real-time transactions in just seconds not just to share your Digital Assets with other owners but enabled generation to generation transfer of assets and wealth, stopping the overreach of inappropriate governmental agencies.
The new Hawaiian Phone either with or without Google offers improved security and privacy and comes with Hawaiian Life seamlessly integrated with other decentralized applications such as decentralized contacts, notes, photos, and files.
The Hawaiian Kingdom offers a new, safe, and convenient way to manage digital identity via the Hawaiian Life App and manage finances, and transfer currency, assets, or value to family and friends, instantly. The Hawaiian Life App handles all conversions including converting between fiat currencies and digital assets or currencies.
Whether you live on the Hawaiian Islands or somewhere else, The Hawaiian Kingdom can set you free with its advanced decentralized, easy-to-use Identity, Finance, Business, Asset, Land and Dispute management systems. And we’re growing the services into a more complete yet independent decentralized governance management experience every day.
Parents can apply for a Digital Birth Certificate in a scan and a snap using this new decentralized Hawaiian Nation service. This new system will make it faster and easier for parents to crypto-graphically acknowledge the birth of there child not just for this generation but for future generations to come.
Members or loved ones can easily apply for a Digital Adoption Certificate using this new decentralized Hawaiian Kingdom service with the Hawaiian Life application. This new system will make it faster and easier to crypto-graphically acknowledge the adoption regardless of age, race, gender or relationship(s).
Register for marriage in the new decentralized Hawaiian Kingdom. This new system will make it faster and easier for people to get married. Digital Marriage Is The Future! The Hawaiian Kingdom offers a cost-effective and simple way to tie the knot. Couples can apply for a license, get married, and receive their certificate without ever stepping foot in a government building.
The new Hawaiian Kingdom International Driver's Permit allows you to drive a vehicle in most countries, in some regions you may also want a valid driver's license issued by your local region where applicable. It is also recognized as a proper form of identification in over 162 countries and by many major car rental companies internationally.
Family members or loved ones can easily apply for a Digital Death Certificate using this new decentralized Hawaiian Kingdom service with the Hawaiian Life application. This new system will make it faster and easier to crypto-graphically acknowledge the death of their loved one to help with closing accounts and transferring digital access or ownership as previously determined by the deceased.
Digital ID is not only for the living. It also allows for Individuals to create an Identity for love ones who have passed on. This enables a truly complete and worldwide Identity system for the living and the dead. Now, loved ones have a place to store important documents safely and securely in a place where they will never be lost or destroyed.
A new secure, intelligent network that allows people to manage the buying and selling of homes and land without personal information like their names and mortgage being on display. Yet crypto-graphically proving real-time ownership.
Hawaiian Nation empowers individuals to create and own their own organizations, (business, DAO’s, trusts, etc.) manage their digital assets, and be part of a global network of communities.
A new secure, intelligent network that allows people to manage the buying and selling of homes and land without personal information like their names and mortgage being on display. Yet crypto-graphically proving real-time ownership.
The new Hawaiian Kingdom has a new type of digital asset-backed economy which will allow Members, Residents, and Citizens to register their assets in the Digital Hawaiian Kingdom and enabled real-time transactions in just seconds not just to share your Digital Assets with other owners but enabled generation to generation transfer of assets and wealth.
The Hawaiian Kingdom allows you to register your aircraft, vehicle, vessel, weapons, or almost any physical asset you would like to register, hold, manage and or possibly pass to future generations.
Not only can you get your Hawaiian Drivers License but you can register your vehicle and get a non expiring vehicle license plate that will enable you to operating int the physical world but not be oppressed or surveilled. Download Hawaiian Life and login to get started to live free again.
Start a dispute with a simple scan and dispute summary explanation and be a part of the resolution process along with trusted Digital Arbitrators in private rooms for Digital Hawaiian Nation Members to help smooth the Arbitration process which is much simpler than the current clunky expensive process optimized features allow you to arbitrate with anyone, anywhere. Secure, encrypted, & private conference & presentation rooms! Share screens, records, transcriptions & so much more!
Start a dispute with a simple scan and dispute summary explanation and be a part of the resolution process along with trusted Digital Arbitrators in private rooms for Digital Hawaiian Nation Members to help smooth the Arbitration process which is much simpler than the current clunky expensive process optimized features allow you to arbitrate.
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The world is what
you think it is
There are no limits,
everything is possible
Energy flows where
attention goes
Now is the moment
of power
To love is to be happy
Power comes from within
Effectiveness is the
measure of truth
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